采用位于以色列和美国的国际一流模拟 Foundry、精益求精的芯片设计以及严谨的测试技术,保证了思瑞浦高性能、高集成度、高稳定性、功能强大的模拟产品。从 ADC、DAC,到放大器,到时钟产品,我们的设计者致力于每一项指标、每一个细节的反复推敲;同时,“3PEAK实验室“追求了每一项模拟性能的最佳测试技术和极致应用环境的探究,例如,对“超低噪声模拟芯片”在时域和频域的nV级噪声特征进行全面的测试与研究。 思瑞浦以行业最高标准所建立的严格、完备的品质保证体系,确保了每一个产品都经过多达几十项的、严苛的检验测试,具备世界一流的产品一致性和可靠性。“3PEAK实验室”产品可靠性试验包括HTOL高温工作寿命试验、HAST高温高湿加速压力试验、TCT温度循环试验、ESD测试等等。
3PEAK designs and manufactures a broad range of high performance analog integrated circuits, with emphasis on low power, low noise, and high precision. We strive to provide the best class analog products to our customers in industrial, medical instruments, communication and consumer electronics industry.
3PEAK products are manufactured by Tower-Jazz, an Analog/RF specialty wafer foundry with factories in Israel and US. We invested heavily in quality control and operation excellence. Our products are all comprehensively tested, with stringent quality control flow before they are shipped to our customers. Before a new product is released to production, it is fully characterized in 3PEAK's internal laboratory, as well as validated by third party independent laboratories.
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